Select the link above to visit a folder that contains a mock up for a publishing project. You'll find a project proposal, Gantt Chart for the project, and a presentation summarizing the proposal to share with the approver.
Center for Disease Control Intern Projects
Project One: Need Analysis
Conducted in-depth need analysis for repurposing resources from the Know: BRCA gene mutation progressive web application for a provider education mobile application.
Project Two: Prototype
Created a wireframe and low fidelity sketch for the provider education mobile application using repurposed content from the shuttered Know: BRCA progressive web application.
Project Three: Mock Up
Designed low fidelity and high fidelity mockups for a CDC owned provider education iOS app using Adobe Photoshop and Adobe XD based on the Know: BRCA content.
Women Who Code Projects

New Site Technical Project Management
The new website began with an external agency prior to my transfer to the Product team. Bringing technology management back in house started in April 2023 and was completed in September 2023. The internal team grew from three to five members during that time.
Project Duration: The project began before I joined the team. My work on the project lasted 15 months. The project's objective was to launch a large-scale new marketing site, updated member dashboard, and rebranded customer dashboard.
Equal Pay Survey Project Management
The 2023 Equal Pay Survey team consisted of three team members. The CCPO, Technical Communications Project Manager (me), and Digital Designer.
Project Duration: The project lasted seven months. The project's objective was to survey at least 500 women technologists but preferably 1000 on their experience as a woman working in technology.